Welcome to the NaLA Marketplace!

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Welcome to the NaLA Marketplace!

We are excited to introduce the Marketplace, where NaLA Funding members can post to the feed to advertise product solutions and specials, networking events, post industry updates, career opportunities, and more! Other Funding members can engage with Marketplace posts using the comment functionality.

The Marketplace is a great way to showcase your company’s new products and services, network with other members, and engage in discussion.

How Does it Work?

  1. Submit your post through this link: https://member.nalalifeline.org/marketplace-post-form/
    You can include links, images, and the relevant category in your post!
  2. A NaLA moderator will review your post and approve it to be published on the feed.
  3. You will be emailed when the post is approved and listed on the Marketplace.

It’s that easy – Happy posting!

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